Change the world

Our teams are taking all the necessary steps to ensure that you are geared to make a successful start to your 2023 academic year, and in the safest learning environments possible.

A flexible learning approach to academic activities

Some of our postgraduate programmes will remain fully online. However, other programmes will take the form of a hybrid approach, with experiential learning comprising mask-to-mask (M2M) learning and other academic activities taking place online.

Here are ten important steps that you can take to help set yourself up for success in the 2023 academic year:

  1. Be sure to equip yourself with all the ‘tools of the trade’ so that you can effectively learn online remotely – this includes: a laptop, a smartphone, reasonably stable connectivity, and a productive space within which to study. Alternatively, you’ll need to be based in Gqeberha or George, so that you can access our general and specialised computer labs, as well as on-campus Wi-Fi, even if all your modules are online.
  1. Ensure that all the necessary software programmes like the Moodle Learning Management System and Microsoft Teams are installed on your devices.
  1. Familiarise yourself with how to log in and use Microsoft Teams and Moodle for virtual classes presented via the platform. Learning materials, resources and activities will be made available in Moodle for all modules.
  1. Embrace support – you will be supported through tutorials, SI sessions, success coaching, academic advising, and through a range of online learning resources. Library materials can be accessed online or by visiting a campus library. Furthermore, psychosocial, and psychological support is provided by Emthonjeni Student Wellness online, telephonically and mask-to-mask.
  1. Develop and follow a work/study schedule to ensure that you keep pace with the work in all your modules. You can expect to spend a minimum of 35 to 40 hours a week engaging in academic activities.
  1. Ensure that you are ready for being prepared by your lecturers for e-assessments and guided on appropriate and inappropriate behaviour during e-assessments.
  1. Honours, advanced diploma or postgraduate diploma students – make the most of being given priority for staying in touch through M2M activities to track your progress and to create a support and study group network for you.
  1. Master’s and doctorate students – ensure that you’re ready to be supervised online, remotely. A supportive network will ensure that you can connect with fellow students.
  1. Know that you will be able to access labs and studios according to a schedule determined by your supervisors. Proposal meetings often take place virtually and supervisors respond electronically to drafts of proposals and chapters.
  1. Be cognisant of the fact that you will be expected to be in class and participate in online learning activities from the first day of lectures, as indicated in the academic calendar for each semester and term.

Are you ready to begin the next chapter in your postgraduate story?

Check out our student success resources to get started. email usMandela Uni website

Posted on 13 December 2022 12:06:45

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